A score of 99.9

ECOSTERYL is certified ‘B Corp’

7 min.

Since July 2024, we have joined the beautiful and prestigious community of companies labeled as ‘B Corp’ worldwide. It is indeed a source of pride, but also recognition for Ecosteryl, which has consistently made efforts, taken initiatives, and committed to embedding social and environmental responsibility at the core of its economic activities


A demanding process, a collective achievement to become B Corp certified.

The B Corp label (short for Benefit Corporation), launched in 2006 in the United States, certifies commercial enterprises that meet societal and environmental requirements, governance standards, and transparency towards the public. The global ‘B Corp’ community now includes nearly 8,500 companies.

To obtain the label, any company must:
  1. Achieve a minimum score of 80 points in its audit.
  2. Amend its bylaws to incorporate two fundamental principles: ‘Ecosteryl intends to generate a positive and significant social, societal, and environmental impact in the course of its activities’ and ‘As part of this approach, we commit to considering (i) the social, societal, and environmental consequences of our decisions for all stakeholders of the Company, and (ii) the impact of our decisions on the environment.
  3. Transparently disclose its score.

We spent over a year working towards this valuable achievement, sought after by numerous companies committed to the common good. The result of a rigorous process that challenged various teams within Ecosteryl (including R&D, Production, Sales, Customer Service, Procurement, HR, Communication, Administration, Finance, and QSE).

Internally, the process required a specific methodology for gradually gathering the extensive data and information requested by B Corp’s organization, B Lab. The information and evidence provided covered key aspects of the company’s life, including:
  • Environmental impactenergy, resource and waste management.
  • Customer and community relations: social commitments and local contributions.
  • Company governance: structures and decision-making processes.
  • Employee relations: working conditions, well-being, and personal development.
Ecosteryl achieved an impressive score of 99.9, securing B Corp certification with flying colors. 

B Lab, the organization that grants the B Corp label, meticulously analyzed all our data.
The ultimate goal was to achieve a minimum score of 80 in a questionnaire comprising over 200 questions. Ecosteryl clearly stood out at every level of certification with its final score.

For our CEO, Amélie Matton, obtaining this prestigious label logically aligns with the many efforts made in recent years to positively impact our business. Our guiding values—innovationsustainabilityresponsibility, and proximity—have been evident since our inception. Through our governance, decision-making, practices, infrastructure, strategic choices, robust CSR policy, and HR practices, we strive to offer a virtuous economic model.

Creating value for society, for humans, and with humans.

Important in the B Corp assessment, the ‘human’ aspect has always received special attention at Ecosteryl. Onboarding processes, training plans, personal development, well-designed workspaces, gym… we have implemented various initiatives in recent years within the company to ensure the well-being of all our employees.
“It is important that we feel good, both at work and in our personal lives, and that we are part of a genuine project where we all feel responsible—actors and actresses in our daily lives,” emphasizes Romain Dufrasne, administrator and responsible for Human Resources at Ecosteryl. “The idea is truly to create this ‘Ecosteryl family’ that characterizes us. Getting up every day, knowing why we go to work, thanks to the sense we attach to the project, is fundamental for feeling fully aligned with ourselves and the company.”

Each of our departments has committed to a charter. Let’s mention the communication/marketing charter, which pledges, among other things, to base all marketing actions on real facts and never denigrate competitors. We also expect our suppliers and partners to share our values. Before each collaboration, we evaluate their practices and commitments related to sustainability, ethics, and respect for human rights through a ‘due diligence’ questionnaire.

But what does this additional label bring to Ecosteryl’s clients?
Our initiatives and commitments have already earned us various distinctions: the Solar Impulse Award, the Lobbying Award, the ‘Mérite wallon’, the Grand Prix for International Sustainable Entrepreneurship from Awex, Finalist in the Hainaut Horizon Sustainable Development Award, the Mercure Innovation Award, and most recently, administrators nominated as Managers of the Year 2023. The highly reputable B Corp label now complements this impressive list of references. It serves as further proof that it is possible to reconcile economic development with environmental responsibility.

As a B Corp-certified company, we offer our clients a new guarantee of quality, transparency, and respect throughout the production process and our entire business relationship. Clients can be assured that when they purchase an Ecosteryl machine (such as Ecosteryl 75, Ecosteryl 125, Ecosteryl 250, or R-steryl), it is produced under optimal conditions, respecting the environment and the well-being of workers. According to Olivier Dufrasne, President of Ecosteryl, “This label has international recognition that should attract new customers who are concerned about dealing with a responsible company at all levels. This should increase the number of countries where our machines are available, especially in Northern Europe and the Americas.”

B Corp certification is just the beginning — the work continues

This certification marks the start of a long and beautiful journey that we write every day. Our teams, who will face ongoing challenges, must continue their efforts in a process of continuous improvement. Whether it’s technological innovations to reduce machine consumption, the creation of a strong customer community with virtuous exchanges, or the implementation of various charters (ethical code of conduct, responsible purchasing charter, diversity and inclusion charter, ethical marketing charter, etc.), we remain committed.

We must also consolidate our achieved results and strive for improvement to maintain the certification, which is valid for a period of three years. Leading up to the next certification, Ecosteryl aims to inspire other companies to embark on a similar journey. “I strongly encourage them to take the leap and challenge themselves. While it may seem like a waste of time, in the end, it’s a gain in values. Ecosteryl is of course available to share its experience and engage in discussions on the topic. Our company’s doors remain wide open…”, concludes Amélie Matton.
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Olivier Peeters

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