

kg / h

4 - 12

t / day

The minimum processing capacity of Ecosteryl 500 is 500 kg per hour. This equates to 6,675 L/h with a density of 0.075 kg/L.

Ecosteryl 500 is an ideal solution if you have to treat from 4 to 12 tons of medical waste per day.

Technical data
Dimensions (L x W x H) 14.5 m (+ convoyor of 3 or 6 m) x 5 m x 6 m
Required dimensions for the operation (L x W)
Maximum working height 7.5 m
Weight 24.4 tons
Type of process Automatic and continuous process
Electrical powers Four-shaft shredder, 37 kW of power
Microwave generator, 36 kW of power and 2,450 MHz of frequency
Average power consumption 80 kWh
Staff required 1 person can operate 2 machines
Installation, commissioning and training On-site, by our team
Emissions 0 emission, 100% eco-friendly
Disinfection Min. 6log10
Disinfected waste Dry, unrecognizable and sortable
Options Remote monitoring
Online reports
Link to the R-Steryl sorting center