What makes the difference?

Reliable machines

High-tech, patented for 20 years and internationally approved.
Proven disinfection of at least 6 log10 (99,9999%), compliant with the French standard NF X30-503, known to be one of the strictest in the world.

Powerful 4 axis shredder

Continuous process

  • Highly flexible in terms of capacity and waste types treated.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Powerful anti-blocking shredder.
Déchet sec procédé continu de désinfection

Dry and recoverable waste

thanks to our dry heat technology:
The final waste is dry, i.e. sortable and recoverable with the R-Steryl machine.

Advantages of a the pre-treatment with Ecosteryl technology

Ease of use and trainings

One operator can operate 2 Ecosteryl machines.
Low operating costs: a profitable solution.
Rapid installation and on-site training.

Maintenance 24/7

Full project owner support.
After sales service and remote assistance.
Performance reports.


100% Electrical solution

100% Eco-friendly.
Dismantling and relocation possible if needed.

Ecosteryl est certifiée entreprise B Corp

Compare the different technologies

Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
Continuous process Icon Icon Icon Icon
Integral shredding Icon Icon Icon Icon
Unrecognizable waste Icon Icon Icon Icon
Waste volume reduction Icon Icon Icon Icon
Waste weight reduction Icon Icon Icon Icon
Installation requirements Low High High High
Installation complexity Low Intermediate Intermediate High
Possibility on In-situ installation Icon Icon Icon Icon
Approved and recognized technology by countries all over the world High Intermediate High Low
Decontamination level High Intermediate High High
Odours Low High High Intermediate
Noise Low Intermediate Intermediate High
Treatment of pathological and anatomical waste Icon Icon Icon Icon
Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
ROI High Low Low Low
Investment costs Intermediate Low Intermediate High
Operating costs Low High High High
Maintenance costs Low High High High
Labour costs Low High High High
Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
Impact on the environment No Intermediate Intermediate High
Treated waste recyclable Icon Icon Icon Icon
No contaminated rejection (such as water, steam) Icon Icon Icon Icon
Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
No risk related to pressurized vessel Icon Icon Icon Icon
Risk for workforce/personnel health (no risk of toxic contaminants released into the air or the treated waste) No Intermediate Intermediate High