The process

A fully electric dry heat process

Sorting and circular economy thanks to R-steryl

  • 01. Weighing

    A waste container (wheelie bin) is placed on the automated loading system of the machine. An industrial scale records the loaded waste weight. (applies to models 125 and 250).

  • 02. Loading

    Loading is automated: as soon as the loading hopper is empty, a new container is loaded. (applies to models 125 and 250).

  • 03. Shredding

    A powerful, reliable and slow industrial shredder reduces the medical waste volume up to 80%. The 4 axes and a screen that was specially developed by Ecosteryl ensure a calibrated shredding. Several systems ensure the optimal operation of the shredder, preventing any damage to its cutting mechanism (via an anti-blocking system).

  • 04. Preheating through microwaves

    In less than three minutes, the waste reaches a temperature of around 100°C at the microwave tunnel end. An automated control system guarantees the quality of the preheating.

  • 05. Temperature maintenance and exit

    The heated waste is kept for one hour in the tank at a temperature of around 100°C. The combination of these two parameters (time and temperature) ensures full disinfection. The waste which exits the machine is disinfected, dry and unrecognizable. It can directly join the traditional household waste collection route or be sent to the R-Steryl sorting center.

  • 06. Sorting of dinsinfected waste

    The disinfected waste is supplied to the R-steryl sorting center. It is sorted by size and color, according to the customer’s defined parameters.

Infectious medical waste disinfection

Infectious medical waste is considered a risk and cannot follow the traditional household waste stream.

To avoid health risks, it is placed in specific containers and must be rapidly disinfected.


What kind of waste can be treated by Ecosteryl?

All types of medical waste (liquid and solid) considered infectious, including human or animal pathological waste. 

Prickly, sharp and cutting waste.


What kind of waste cannot be treated by Ecosteryl?

Cytotoxic and radioactive waste, in accordance with international guidelines.

broyeur ecosteryl déchets

Compare the different technologies

Comparing before choosing

Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
Continuous process Icon Icon Icon Icon
Integral shredding Icon Icon Icon Icon
Unrecognizable waste Icon Icon Icon Icon
Waste volume reduction Icon Icon Icon Icon
Waste weight reduction Icon Icon Icon Icon
Installation requirements Low High High High
Installation complexity Low Intermediate Intermediate High
Possibility on In-situ installation Icon Icon Icon Icon
Approved and recognized technology by countries all over the world High Intermediate High Low
Decontamination level High Intermediate High High
Odours Low High High Intermediate
Noise Low Intermediate Intermediate High
Treatment of pathological and anatomical waste Icon Icon Icon Icon
Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
ROI High Low Low Low
Investment costs Intermediate Low Intermediate High
Operating costs Low High High High
Maintenance costs Low High High High
Labour costs Low High High High
Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
Impact on the environment No Intermediate Intermediate High
Treated waste recyclable Icon Icon Icon Icon
No contaminated rejection (such as water, steam) Icon Icon Icon Icon
Ecosteryl (dry microwave process) Autoclave (hot steam process) Autoclave with a shedder Incinerator (high-heat process)
No risk related to pressurized vessel Icon Icon Icon Icon
Risk for workforce/personnel health (no risk of toxic contaminants released into the air or the treated waste) No Intermediate Intermediate High